If you've been around for a while, you might have noticed that NYCHuskers.com recently got a face lift! In addition to a fresh look, we'll be adding some great new features that will hopefully keep everyone more engaged with the group throughout the year.
The first big change is the return of our online store! You asked for it all last year, so we're bringing it back. Beginning this week, you can order all of our NYC Huskers gear through the Merchandise page on the website. Shipping will begin the week of August 27th. Please allow at least 2 weeks for shipping of all online orders and note there will be a $5 shipping charge added to each items. We have a great new t-shirt design this year that we think everyone will love, plus the return of some classic favorites!
One of the big goals for NYC Huskers in 2018 is to work on networking among our members. To that end, we'll have 2 new features on the website to help you connect with and get to know your fellow NYC Huskers. The first is our new Resources page - this is an online forum where you can interact with other members to help each other with jobs, apartment hunting, recommendations on things like doctors or dentists, as well as restaurants or activities.
There are 4 message boards separated out by topic and anyone is welcome to join the conversation. Simply create an NYC Huskers login by clicking the "Login" button at the top right of the website - you can join with your e-mail address, or link with your Google+ or Facebook account. From there you'll be able to post as much as you'd like. We hope that you'll all get as engaged as possible in the online community - the more people we have participating in the conversation, the better opportunity it will be!
Finally, we'll be revamping this News feed to feature weekly blog posts. In addition to featuring up to date NYC Huskers news, our goal is to have several monthly blog series. Series will include profiles of your NYC Huskers board, Alumni Spotlights of NYC Huskers members, tips for those who are new to New York, features on some of the NYC Huskers' board members favorite things to do, and Neighborhood Profiles written by residents of different parts of the city. We have some fun ideas already in the works, but to make it really great, we'll need your help! Do you know someone you'd like to be featured in our Alumni spotlight? Do you have a recommendation for the best steak in New York City that you're dying to share with the group? Do you love your neighborhood and want to tell us why? Please reach out to info@nychuskers.com if you're willing to write a blog post for us, or if you have an idea you think we should feature in a blog post. Also please reach out to nominate yourself or someone you know to be featured in our Alumni Spotlight. Again, the more people we can get involved, the better our tips and tricks for networking with each other and conquering New York can be!
Here's to a refreshed outlook overall in 2018!